A Lightweight Agent-based Secure Mobile Payment Protocol Supporting Multiple Payments

Pensri Pukkasenung, Rongrooj Chokngramwong


Payment for goods and services on mobile devices via an agent-based mobile payment protocol is gaining popularity amidst today's fast-paced lifestyles. These protocols offer fast, easy, and secure services with global reach. However, existing mobile payment systems still have problems with performance and security. One of the main problems is the computation time, requiring long and complex calculation for data transmission. This paper proposed a new, secure and lightweight mobile payment protocol for making payments on mobile devices. This protocol supports not only the necessary security properties but also multiple payment types including chain payments.


Mobile Payment; Mobile Protocol; Mobile Payment Protocol; Multiple Payments;


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IT in Industry (2012 - ) http://www.it-in-industry.com ISSN (Online): 2203-1731; ISSN (Print): 2204-0595